As we all know, it is extremely difficult to resist our doggies when they call a small piece of what’s on the table.
But can our pets eat whatever we may eat?
I’ve always heard of chocolate as a poison for dogs and cats.
But there are many other nourishment our pets must not eat.
I recently focused my research on this issue to make a list of food you must not give your pet.
Here are my results: 30 dangerous foods for our dogs and cats
I recently focused my research on this issue to make a list of food you must not give your pet.
Here are my results: 30 dangerous foods for our dogs and cats
1. Chocolate
Cocoa contains theobromine which passes quickly into the bloodstream of your pet and is very toxic to him.
150 grams of dark chocolate is enough to kill a dog weighing 10 kilos.
Symptoms (vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea and in the most dramatic cases, heart disease can lead to death) are often 4 or 5 hours after ingestion.
150 grams of dark chocolate is enough to kill a dog weighing 10 kilos.
Symptoms (vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea and in the most dramatic cases, heart disease can lead to death) are often 4 or 5 hours after ingestion.
2. Milk
Rich in lactose, milk and dairy products can cause vomiting, diarrhea and other intestinal problems. Indeed, our pets do not have enzymes to dissolve the sugar and therefore their intestines can not absorb it.
3. Cheese
Very high in fat, it can cause a pancreas inflammation, which in some cases can be fatal.
4. Bones
Breakable, the bones cans lodge in the intestines or get stuck in the mouth or throat, all the bones are to be avoided without exception. Only bones sold in pet store or your veterinarian are recommended.
5 & 6. Ham and fat meat
As cheese, meats are high in fat and can cause pancreatitis. In addition, they are rich in salt and encourage dogs to drink plenty of water which can create twisting of the stomach (possibly fatal).
7. Liver (only concerns dogs)
For dogs who eat a lot, it can cause vitamin A poisoning, which destroys muscles and bones. The symptoms are constipation, weight loss, deformed bones.
8. Fat
It can cause inflammation of the pancreas that can be fatal if not treated in time. In more severe cases, the animal does not move and suffers when resting on its belly. Veterinary emergency management.
9. Tuna
Very salty, canned tuna promotes kidney damage and can lead to heart disease. Tuna especially for pets does exists.
10. Raw fish (only concerns dogs)
It can lead to a vitamin B deficiency leading to loss of appetite, weight and sometimes death. These problems are more common if the dog is fed raw fish regularly.
11 and 12. Onions and garlic
Of derivatives of sulfur, they damage the red blood cells of our companions and can cause vomiting, anemia, tachycardia … and even death.
13. Avocado
Rich in fat, it can cause inflammation of the pancreas. More, its core is very toxic and very harmful to the lungs and hearts of our friends. It goes without saying that the kernel, once swallowed, can cause intestinal obstruction.
14. Grapes
Dried or fresh, they can cause intestinal disorders and kidney damage. In addition, for small dogs, they can cause intestinal obstruction and increase the risk of choking.
15. Macadamia nuts
They contain a toxin that attacks the digestive system, nervous and bones of animals. Some sufficient to cause vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, convulsions … They also increase the risk of choking for small doggies and kitties.
16. Raw potato
Rich in calcium oxalate (an insoluble ionic crystal), it is very dangerous for the urinary our animals. Once cooked, the potato is ideal for our animals because it is rich in nutrients.
17. Mushrooms
Wild or even those in your garden contain toxins that can have several effects on different systems in your companion can cause tremors and lead to death.
18 & 19. Chestnuts and hazelnuts (only concerns cats)
They contain tannins that cause diarrhea and vomiting.
20. Salt
Absorbed in large quantities it can cause electrolyte imbalance resulting in convulsions, coma, paralysis, cardiac arrhythmias.
21. Sweet food
It can lead to obesity, dental problems and diabetes.
22. Xylitol
It is a sugar substitute used in pastries and sweets …
23. Raw pie dough
The yeast in the dough can inflate the stomach and cause bloating important. In extreme cases, it can pierce the stomach or intestine. In addition, the dough ferments alcohol can create very harmful to the dog.
24. Moldy or stale food
Infected multiple toxins, these foods can seriously poison your pets. The symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions.
25. Cat food (only concerns dogs)
Generally too high in protein and fat. It increases the risk of pancreatitis in our doggies.
26. Human vitamin supplements containing iron
They can damage the digestive system and be toxic to many organs such as the liver or kidneys.
27. Caffeine
Very harmful, it accelerates the heart rate, palpitations and heart attacks may occur. Be careful your dog or cat don’t dip their nose in your cup of coffee.
28. Alcohol
It interferes with the proper functioning of the brain. Enough to make doggie or kitty drunk with a few sips. Symptoms may be vomiting and in some cases when the amount ingested is important this can cause heart problems.
29. Tobacco
Pets do not smoke, but they can find a cigarette to chew on. Rich in nicotine, it damages the nerves and digestive system. The symptoms are hyperactivity, vomiting, tachycardia and, in extreme cases, coma can result in death.
30. Marijuana
It can depress your pet by acting directly on the nervous system and can cause vomiting and heart rate changes.

What to do when your pet has eaten any of these ingredients?
You must act quickly. Call your veterinarian, specify its name, the composition of the product, the amount ingested and some information about your pet (breed, size, age, health problems …). Your veterinarian can perform an injection that will make your pet vomit if necessary.
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