A dog’s life. How tough can it be. First, if you’re homeless you have to survive the streets. If you end up in a shelter, you pray for the right person to come along to provide the loving home you wished for all your life. You have to behave, sit, stay, shake hands, stop scratching, stop sniffing, eat your food when served, don’t make a mess, don’t tip over the water dish, stop barking, stop chasing the cat, play nice with other dogs, love all kids, absolutely no chewing or biting, and always, always greet the pack leader with affection and praise. Then you can expect the perks that come with good behavior, like going to the dog park, running free with the wind in your hair, splashing in the cold water of the creek, meeting new friends, chasing a tennis ball, only if you like that sort of thing, and reminding your owner to clean up after yourself when the time comes. This is probably the most important part of being a dog, having a responsible owner.
Photo by Ralph Barrera/Austin American-Statesman
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